Utility Classes

statistics, charts and events

Float Classes
Class Style Rule Description
.float-left float: left Element to the left.
.float-right float: right Element to the right.
.clearfix To Clear floats
Class Style Rule Description
.show display: block Element to Show
.hidden display: none Element to hide
Text Color Classes
Class Style Rule Description
.text-muted text-color: #8d9ea7 Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris nibh.
.text-primary text-color: #fb9678 Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
.text-success text-color: #38d57a Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris nibh.
.text-info text-color: #03a9f3 Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
.text-warning text-color: #ffcc02 Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris nibh.
.text-danger text-color: #e6614f Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
Other Classes: .text-color-scheme, .text-inverse, .text-facebook, .text-youtube ...

Padding Classes
Class Style Rule Description
.pd-0 padding: 0 Padding will be 0 from all sides
.pd-10 padding: 0.625rem Padding will be 0.625rem (10px) from all sides
.pd-20 padding: 1.25rem Padding will be 1.25rem (20px) from all sides
Padding Left-Right
Class Style Rule Description
.pd-l-0 padding-left: 0 Padding left will be 0.
.pd-r-10 padding-right: 0.625rem Padding right will be 0.625rem (10px).
.pd-lr-20 padding-left: 1.25rem padding-right: 1.25rem Padding left and right will be 1.25rem (20px).
Padding Top-Bottom
Class Style Rule Description
.pd-t-0 padding-top: 0 Padding top will be 0
.pd-b-10 padding-bottom: 0.625rem Padding bottom will be 0.625rem (10px)
.pd-tb-20 padding-top: 1.25rem padding-bottom: 1.25rem Padding top and bottom will be 1.25rem (20px)

Margin Classes
Class Style Rule Description
.mr-0 margin: 0 Margin will be 0 from all sides
.mr-10 margin: 0.625rem Margin will be 0.625rem (10px) from all sides
.mr-20 margin: 1.25rem Margin will be 1.25rem (20px) from all sides
Margin Left-Right
Class Style Rule Description
.mr-l-0 margin-left: 0 Margin left will be 0.
.mr-r-10 margin-right: 0.625rem Margin right will be 0.625rem (10px).
.mr-lr-20 margin-left: 1.25rem margin-right: 1.25rem Margin left and right will be 1.25rem (20px).
.padded-reverse margin-left: -1.25rem margin-right: -1.25rem The item would stretch 1.25rem (20px) to the left and 1.25rem (20px) to the right.
Margin Top-Bottom
Class Style Rule Description
.mr-t-0 margin-top: 0 Margin top will be 0
.mr-b-10 margin-bottom: 0.625rem Margin bottom will be 0.625rem (10px)
.mr-tb-20 margin-top: 1.25rem margin-bottom: 1.25rem Margin top and bottom will be 1.25rem (20px)

Font Classes
Class Style Rule Description
.fs-10 font-size: 0.625rem Font size 0.625rem (10px). Ranges from 0.625rem (10px) to 3.125rem (50px).
.fw-400 font-weight: 400 Font weight 400. Ranges from 100-900
.h1 Text displayed with h1 styles. Ranges from h1 to h6.
Font Families
Class Style Rule Description
.heading-font-family font-family: 'Nunito Sans' Text font family will be that of Headings. Default is "Nunito Sans"
.content-font-family font-family: 'Roboto' Default is "Roboto"
.sub-heading-font-family font-family: 'Open Sans' Default is "Open Sans"
Display Classes
Class Style Rule Description
.hide display: none Hide the element
.inline display: inline Display the content of the element inline
.block display: block Display the content of the element in full width
.inline-block display: inline-block Display the content of the element in its own width

Other Classes
Class Description
.horizontal-center Element is center aligned horizontally
.vertical-center Element is center aligned vertically
.absolute-center Element is center alignef both horizontally and vertically
Image Thumbails
Class Description
.thumb-xs For small thumbnails. Used as: <figure class="thumb-xs"><img /></figure>
.thumb-sm Image size 60x60
.thumb-md Image size 120x120
.thumb-lg Image size 180x180

Extra small devices Portrait phones
Small devices Landscape phones
(≥544px - <768px)
Medium devices Tablets
(≥768px - <992px)
Large devices Desktops
(≥992px - <1200px)
Extra large devices Desktops
.hidden-xs-down Visible Visible Visible Visible
.hidden-sm-down Visible Visible Visible
.hidden-md-down Visible Visible
.hidden-lg-down Visible
.hidden-sm-up Visible
.hidden-md-up Visible Visible
.hidden-lg-up Visible Visible Visible
.hidden-xl-up Visible Visible Visible Visible

Background Classes
Class Description
.bg-color-scheme Default: #51d2b7